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About us

The purpose of the E-CARRIAGE 4CBST project is to develop an innovative tourist product that will, by connecting natural and cultural heritage, attract visitors and empower the tourist offer.

The natural conditions of the regions of the participating partners (Prekmurje and Austrian Styria), along which the carriage trails will run, are highlighted. Natural resources are combined with cultural heritage and the whole experience also includes tourist providers, as well as cultural institutions and monuments, to which we are brought with the help of a horse-drawn carriage. The hybrid electric carriage represents for the user a special authentic experience of traveling with the help of a horse-drawn carriage, which also includes green technology. The electric carriage is environmentally and horse-friendly and makes it easier to overcome greater distances and inclines, without harming the environment.

The cooperation of partners with complementary knowledge and experience from various fields: technology, tourism and coachmanship was of key importance in designing the project.


Cross-border project cooperation includes two project partners from Slovenia:

 - RIS Mansion Rakičan, lead-partnerand

- University of Maribor 

three project partners from Austria:

 - Tourismusverband Region Oberwart,

 - Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssingand

 - EC Energie Center LipizzanerheimatV